One-Page Strategic Plan
How do businesses reach their desired level of success? That’s a pretty loaded question, all things considered. Be assured though that luck alone should not be relied upon for any company’s success. For the most part, it is strategy and tactics that takes businesses from point A to point B. Plans are often made and they don’t even need to be too long. Some are perfectly capable of formulating a one page strategic plan. If you want this for yourself, then read on to learn more and discover some of the best examples of written strategic plans via one page strategic plan templates.
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What Is a One-Page Strategic Plan?
Strategic plans are often multiple-page documents that detail how a business intends to meet their specific goals. A one-page strategic plan, on the other hand, is everything that those business reports and documents are, only compressed. There’s nothing more to it. The specifics, the objectives, the outcomes you want to end up with, and everything else are all confined to a single page. Direct to the point and containing usually just the most important parts of a plan, these documents are highly valued by companies for their concise yet effective natures.
How to Create a One-Page Strategic Plan
Creating a one-page strategic plan nonprofit document, among many other variations, may be preceded by some head-scratching. After all, how can you possibly fit everything into a single page? Well, now you don’t have to worry. Follow these steps and you will be just fine.
Step 1: Determine Your Goals
To make this quick, you need to first know what your purpose is. Having realized it, you have to convert that into achievable corporate goals. Without this serving as your foundation, everything will fall apart.
Step 2: Decide on Your KPIs
Everything—for your goals to your tasks—must make sense in the context of your company’s situation. By deciding on your key performance indicators early, you can begin planning out how to measure performance, progress, and success for your teams.
Step 3: Breakdown the Responsibilities
For your strategic plan to work, the people involved need to be held accountable for their actions. First things first, they need to know what their responsibilities are. Specify those and let each team know what they have to do. With this taken care of, you are one step closer to the end of the line.
Step 4: Evaluate and Edit
The last thing left for you to do is make an evaluation of your strategic plan. Go over it before you finalize it. Go over it again once your operations are underway. Make edits or corrections whenever necessary. Don’t be afraid to make changes if it suits your goals and leads you to greater success.
What is the importance of planning in business?
Simply put, planning anticipates decision-making. Planning helps establish proper goals and objectives, along with the specific processes meant to achieve them. Without planning, businesses would not thrive for very long or at all.
What are the different types of planning for business?
Depending on the organizational scope and execution period, any given company may rely on any of the following planning types. First is strategic planning, which is quite general and can include different kinds of management areas. Second, there’s the operational planning, which is more short-term and specific towards particular operational units. Then there’s tactical planning, which serves as the link for the two aforementioned types.
What are the key elements of any strategic plan?
The first element that any strategic plan should have is the company’s vision. That should be followed up quickly by core values. Combined, those two create a strong foundation for any corporate plan. The next three key elements are the clearly defined outcomes, or the expected results, the accountability, and the KPIs.
There’s little use of denying how useful strategic plans can be for businesses. To look to a brighter future, we cannot afford to leave things to chance. Even something as compressed as a one-page strategy document can already do wonders for you. So now that we’ve come to the end of this article, the only question left unanswered is: what will you do now? Are you going to use the knowledge gained from this article and make your own one-page strategic plan instructions from scratch? Or would you rather download a free one-page strategic plan template or any other sample one page strategic plan? Make your choice carefully and act fast!