Program Evaluation Communication Plan

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Program Evaluation Communication Plan

A Program Evaluation Communication Plan is essential for effectively sharing the results and insights of a program evaluation with relevant stakeholders. This plan ensures that the findings are accessible, understandable, and actionable.


  • To clearly communicate the outcomes of program evaluations.
  • To engage stakeholders in understanding and utilizing evaluation findings.
  • To promote transparency and accountability in program implementation.

Key Stakeholder Identification

Table 1: Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder Group Interest in Evaluation Preferred Communication Method
Program Staff High – Operational impact Meetings, Detailed Reports
Funders High – Financial accountability Executive Summaries, Presentations
Participants Moderate – Personal impact Newsletters, Flyers
General Public Low – Community impact Social Media, Website Updates

Communication Methods and Tools

Table 2: Communication Methods and Tools

Method Description Use Case
Reports Detailed analysis of findings In-depth understanding for internal stakeholders
Executive Summaries Brief overview of key findings Quick insights for busy stakeholders like funders
Presentations Visual and oral presentation of results Engaging discussion with various stakeholders
Newsletters Regular updates on evaluation progress Keeping participants and the public informed
Social Media Posts Short, engaging updates Reaching a wider, public audience

Evaluation Reporting Timeline

Table 3: Reporting Timeline

Phase Activity Timeline
Pre-Evaluation Communication of goals and methods 1 month before evaluation
During Evaluation Regular progress updates Bi-weekly
Post-Evaluation Presentation of preliminary findings 1 week after evaluation
Final Reporting Distribution of final report and summaries 1 month after evaluation

Feedback and Engagement Strategy

  • Surveys and Questionnaires: Collect feedback from stakeholders on the evaluation process and findings.
  • Discussion Forums: Host forums or focus groups for in-depth discussion of the evaluation outcomes.

Visual Aids and Infographics

  • Utilize infographics to present complex data in an easily digestible format.
  • Charts and graphs to illustrate key findings and trends.

Crisis Communication Plan

Flowchart: Steps for Crisis Communication

  1. Identify the Issue: Understand the nature of the crisis related to the program evaluation.
  2. Immediate Response: Address the issue promptly with a clear statement.
  3. Stakeholder Engagement: Communicate with affected stakeholders with appropriate messaging.
  4. Ongoing Updates: Provide regular updates as more information becomes available.

An effective Program Evaluation Communication Plan ensures that the findings of the evaluation are disseminated in a clear, concise, and actionable manner. By engaging with stakeholders through appropriate channels and formats, the impact of the evaluation can be maximized, leading to better-informed decisions and program improvements.

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