Safety Flyer

Home Security Systems Flyer

The things that happen in our life are often unpredictable. You never know what might happen even if you’re taking a stroll around your neighborhood. Accidents can happen any time and anywhere. Even if you’re careful, the carelessness of others can get you in trouble. Even an innocent rock on the road can cause fatal injuries or worse, death to someone who’s not cautious. A statista report revealed that back in 2018, there was about 167,127 amount of deaths due to unintentional injuries. To prevent such accidents from happening, a safety flyer would be the way to spread safety awareness around your environment.

11+ Safety Flyer Examples

1. Safety Flyer Template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Publisher
  • InDesign
  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop

Size: (US) 8.5×11, (A4) 8.27×11.69 inches


2. Traffic Safety Flyer Template

Traffic Safety Flyer Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Pages
  • Publisher
  • InDesign
  • Google Docs


3. Fire Safety Flyer Template

Fire Safety Flyer Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Pages
  • Publisher
  • InDesign
  • Google Docs


4. Sample Fire Safety Flyer Template

Sample Fire Safety Flyer Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Pages
  • Publisher
  • InDesign


5. Coronavirus COVID-19 Safety Initiatives Flyer Template

Coronavirus COVID-19 Safety Initiatives Flyer Template
File Format
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator

Size: A4, US


6. Home Security Center Front and Back Flyer

Home Security Centre Front and Back Flyer

7. Pets Safety Clinic Flyer

Pets Safety Clinic Flyer

8. Fire Safety Flyer

Fire Safety Flyer

9. Health and Safety Flyer

Health and Safety Flyer

10. Driving School Flyer

Driving School Flyer

11. Home Security Systems Flyer

Home Security Systems Flyer

12. Security Guard Flyer

Security Guard Flyer

What Is a Safety Flyer?

A safety flyer is a document that contains information about how to be safe and aware of the dangerous things around the environment. A safety flyer can be about procedures on what to do in case of natural disasters (hurricanes and earthquakes), road safety assessment, fire prevention, and health-related activities such as the proper ways of washing hands. It can also be a warning for individuals to be alert and aware of hazardous objects or situations that may cause harm to an innocent person. This type of flyer contains instructions on how an individual can be safe by following a few simple steps, such as how to wear PPE’s and obeying parking lot safety procedures. An individual must be aware of the dangers lurking in our society since it is the only way that he or she can be safe from harm.

Tips In Making and Giving Out A Safety Flyer

1. Some people look down on safety flyers because they think reading it is a waste of time. So make sure that the design of your flyer corporate well together to spark the interest of an individual into reading the entire content. Creative patterns and fun graphics can make your safety flyer more interesting to look at, and it also shows that learning how to be safe can be fun too.

2. Make sure to use high-quality ink and paper in creating your safety flyer. The excellent quality paper ensures that your flyer won’t be easily damaged while a high-quality ink will make the text and images stay longer on your flyer. It can also make your safety flyer last longer in an individual’s care, and they can attach it to their fridge or in their office as a safety reminder.

3. In giving out your safety flyer, make sure it is in line with the people who you’re giving it to. For example, your flyer is about construction safety risk assessment, then your audience should only be construction workers, engineers, architects, etc. It’s not going to make sense if you give it to students or office workers.

4. Aside from giving out your safety flyer, you can also attach it to bulletin boards around your community or workplace. You can also make use of digital platforms on the internet, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, to promote your flyer since a lot of people spend most of their time online.

How To Create a Safety Flyer

There are a lot of templates for a safety flyer online, but if you want to add a personal touch to your flyer here are some steps and guidelines for you to follow:

1. Eye-Catching Title

Your safety flyer must have a strong message of what it is about. It must have eye-catching titles such as, “Be Fire Safe!” or “Its Allergy Season!”. Short phrases can make your audience wonder what’s the contents of your flyer. It also encourages an individual to read about it and share their learnings or the flyer itself to their circle of friends.

2. Use Bright Colors

You must be careful in choosing the colors for your flyer, even though bright colors are attention-grabbing, it can sometimes be overwhelming to look at. So make sure that the bright colors you use compliments the motif of your safety flyer.

3. Include Instructions

Your safety flyer should also contain some steps or guidelines on how to be safe from a particular situation. For example, if your flyer is about the importance of washing hands, then you should include instructions about it. It is a great way to ensure that an individual will know what to do in case of emergency and disaster situations.

4. Use Images

Images can add interest to your safety flyer. The pictures you can use can be of real people or cartoon animations that compliment what your flyer is about. If your audience is children, then cartoon characters are an excellent way to go since it’s going to spark their interest and engages them to learn more about safety. If your audience are adults, then make use of pictures that are more formal but creative at the same time.

5. Contact Information

There should be contact information included in your safety flyer so that individuals know who to contact in case of an emergency. You can add the contact information of fire stations, police stations, and hospital emergency numbers.


What is the meaning of PPE?

PPE means personal protective equipment. It is protective clothing worn by workers to protect themselves from harmful hazards. Doctors and construction workers usually wear PPE’s since their line of work deals with dangerous chemicals and hazardous objects.

Can I promote my safety flyer through emails?

Yes, you can send it to your employees and acquaintances via email. You may also ask them to send it to their circle of friends to spread the word about safety awareness.

Where can I get ideas for my safety flyer?

You can get ideas by watching the news and keep yourself updated online. There are a lot of bad situations happening around the world because of the lack of safety awareness. Take school mass shootings, for example, this happens because of the ignorance of banning guns. Statista research revealed that there are 28 school shootings in the US as of March 2020. You can create a safety flyer for this kind of situation to create awareness.

We must be aware of the dangers in our environment. Some of it can’t be stopped, but it can be prevented by giving out safety flyers. It is one of the ways to make an individual aware that even the most innocent things can bring harm to them. It can lessen the number of unintentional accidents that happen every day and the number of people going to hospitals. Hence, we must value our safety as it is our foundation to do the essential things in our life.

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