Attributive adjective

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Created by: Team English -, Last Updated: April 26, 2024

Attributive adjective

Attributive Adjective Examples

Step up your English language skills with this ultimate guide on attributive adjectives. Learn the nuts and bolts of using attributive adjective examples to give depth and vividness to your sentences. From definition to practical tips, this guide provides you with all the resources you need to get started.

What is the Attributive Adjective? – Definition

An attributive adjective is an adjective that is used directly before a noun to describe it. Unlike predicative adjectives, which come after a linking verb, attributive adjectives are placed right next to the noun they modify.

What is the Best Example of an Attributive Adjective?

An easy-to-understand example of an attributive adjective is in the sentence, “She wore a red dress.” In this case, “red” is the attributive adjective because it appears immediately before the noun “dress,” describing its color. This example clearly illustrates the function and position of attributive adjectives in a sentence.

100 Attributive Adjective Examples

Attributive adjective Examples
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Unlock a wealth of knowledge with this definitive list of 100 attributive adjective examples. Understanding the role of attributive adjectives in sentence construction can significantly improve your writing and communication skills. From elementary to advanced examples, this list covers a broad spectrum to help you master the concept.

  1. Green apple
  2. Fast car
  3. Quiet room
  4. Large building
  5. Delicious food
  6. Ancient ruins
  7. Wooden chair
  8. Digital clock
  9. Shiny shoes
  10. Tiny ants
  11. Golden ring
  12. Heavy bag
  13. Lazy cat
  14. Spicy curry
  15. Empty bottle
  16. Sharp knife
  17. Soft towel
  18. Bright light
  19. Angry dog
  20. Windy day
  21. Round table
  22. Blue sky
  23. Curly hair
  24. Chilly morning
  25. Smooth road
  26. Happy child
  27. Clean shirt
  28. Tall mountain
  29. Thick book
  30. Fresh flowers
  31. Slim phone
  32. Young tree
  33. Sour lemon
  34. Brave soldier
  35. Cold water
  36. Hot coffee
  37. Bumpy ride
  38. Wet grass
  39. Dark room
  40. White snow
  41. Deep ocean
  42. Thin paper
  43. Loud music
  44. Cozy blanket
  45. Sweet honey
  46. Long journey
  47. Early morning
  48. Small box
  49. Light feather
  50. Warm fireplace
  51. Red cherry
  52. Polite student
  53. Elegant dress
  54. Tired eyes
  55. Smart watch
  56. Rough surface
  57. Gentle breeze
  58. High wall
  59. Short story
  60. Modern architecture
  61. Salty sea
  62. Noisy market
  63. Clever idea
  64. Huge elephant
  65. Icy road
  66. Healthy diet
  67. Fancy restaurant
  68. Rapid river
  69. Crisp apple
  70. Distant star
  71. Sandy beach
  72. Sad song
  73. Bitter coffee
  74. Lively party
  75. Ripe banana
  76. Messy room
  77. Dry desert
  78. Silent night
  79. Clear water
  80. Strong wind
  81. Rich soil
  82. Tough exam
  83. Sticky tape
  84. Calm lake
  85. Big city
  86. Dull knife
  87. Hard rock
  88. Lush garden
  89. Old man
  90. Smooth jazz
  91. Quick fix
  92. Dense forest
  93. Cool shade
  94. Busy street
  95. Narrow path
  96. Muddy trail
  97. Fast runner
  98. Humble home
  99. Open book
  100. Gloomy weather

This list offers an extensive array of examples, each uniquely illustrating the function of attributive adjectives in modifying nouns. Make sure to practice these examples to cement your understanding.

Attributive Adjective Phrase Examples

Each of these sentences features an attributive adjective phrase that adds detailed description to the noun it modifies, enriching the sentence and making it more informative.

  1. The dog with the fluffy tail barked loudly.
  2. She bought a car with a powerful engine.
  3. They live in a house with a red brick facade.
  4. I love reading books with intricate plot twists.
  5. The movie with the heartwarming ending is a must-see.
  6. The boy with the broken arm is my nephew.
  7. She wore shoes with sparkling diamonds.
  8. The painting with the vivid colors caught my attention.
  9. The team with the strong defense won the game.
  10. The cafe with the outdoor seating is our favorite spot.

What is an Attributive and Predicative Adjective with Examples?

Attributive and predicative adjectives are two primary types of adjectives that serve to modify or describe nouns in different ways. Understanding their unique roles can elevate your sentence construction and make your writing more engaging.

Attributive Adjectives are used directly before a noun to describe it. They give more information about the noun they modify and typically appear in the noun phrase itself.


  • Attributive Adjective: She wore a red dress.
    Here, ‘red’ describes the color of the ‘dress’ directly.

Predicative Adjectives, on the other hand, come after a linking verb like ‘is,’ ‘are,’ ‘was,’ and ‘were,’ and describe the subject of the clause they belong to.


  • Predicative Adjective: The dress is red.
    Here, ‘red’ describes the ‘dress’ but appears after the linking verb ‘is.’

What is an Attributive Adjective Also Called?

An attributive adjective is sometimes also known as a “prenominal adjective.” The term ‘prenominal’ simply means “before a noun,” which precisely describes the position of this type of adjective in a sentence. It appears directly before the noun it modifies and is part of the noun phrase. For example, in the sentence “She has brown eyes,” the word ‘brown’ is a prenominal or attributive adjective describing ‘eyes.’

What are the 4 Attributes of Nouns?

Understanding the different attributes of nouns can enhance your grammar skills. Here are the four primary attributes of nouns:

  1. Number: Specifies whether the noun is singular or plural.
    • Singular: cat, book
    • Plural: cats, books
  2. Case: Refers to the grammatical category that signifies the noun’s function in a sentence.
    • Nominative: Used when the noun is the subject.
    • Accusative: Used when the noun is the direct object.
    • Genitive: Shows possession.
  3. Gender: This attribute is more common in languages other than English and signifies whether the noun is masculine, feminine, or neuter.
    • Masculine: he, man
    • Feminine: she, woman
    • Neuter: it, table
  4. Person: This attribute refers to the distinction between the speaker, the addressee, and others.
    • First person: I, we
    • Second person: you
    • Third person: he, she, it, they

By understanding these attributes, you can better understand how nouns function in sentences and how they interact with other parts of speech like adjectives.

What are the Different Types of Attributive Adjectives?

Attributive adjectives can be categorized based on what they describe or indicate. Below are some types of attributive adjectives:

  1. Descriptive Adjectives: These provide specific information about the qualities of a noun.
    • Example: Soft pillow, blue sky
  2. Demonstrative Adjectives: These point out particular nouns.
    • Example: This house, those cars
  3. Quantitative Adjectives: These indicate the quantity of the noun.
    • Example: Five dogs, several books
  4. Interrogative Adjectives: These are used in questions to modify nouns.
    • Example: Which color? What time?
  5. Possessive Adjectives: These show ownership.
    • Example: My house, their car
  6. Distributive Adjectives: These describe nouns that are distributed individually.
    • Example: Each person, every time
  7. Proper Adjectives: These originate from proper nouns.
    • Example: American flag, Victorian architecture

How to Use an Attributive Adjective? – Step by Step Guide

  1. Identify the Noun: Determine the noun you wish to describe.
  2. Choose the Adjective: Select an adjective that accurately describes the noun.
  3. Placement: Place the adjective directly before the noun.
  4. Check Agreement: Make sure the adjective agrees with the noun in terms of number and gender, where applicable.
  5. Punctuation: If using more than one adjective, separate them with commas or coordinate with ‘and.’
  6. Review: Read the sentence to ensure that the adjective enhances the meaning of the noun and the overall sentence.


  • Without Attributive Adjective: I have a car.
  • With Attributive Adjective: I have a fast car.

Tips for Using Attributive Adjective

  1. Be Specific: Choose the most precise adjective to convey your meaning clearly.
  2. Order of Adjectives: When using multiple adjectives, maintain the correct order (opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, purpose).
  3. Avoid Redundancy: Do not use adjectives that repeat information already contained in the noun.
  4. Less is More: While adjectives can enrich your sentences, overusing them can make your text cluttered. Use them sparingly for impact.
  5. Context Matters: Make sure the adjective fits the context and tone of what you are writing.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively use attributive adjectives to enrich your sentences and make your writing more engaging and descriptive.

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