90-Day Workout Plan

Last Updated: August 30, 2024

90-Day Workout Plan

90 day workout plan

You have always heard of the saying “Health is wealth,” and you have also contemplated to actually do something to improve your overall health. One of the most common options to consider is working out together with proper diet; however, due to hectic schedules at work and your social life, you have always pushed through starting a new healthy lifestyle.

However, you have to remember that your body can become frail over time especially if without proper exercise. You may exhibit body pains that are commonly experienced by people of the older age, especially since your job only allows you to hunch back over your computer. Therefore, it is very important to workout regularly in order to keep yourself healthy. This article will discuss some of the benefits of regular workout, reasons to switch up your workout routine, and give some examples of easy beginners workout routines you can do on the daily.


Importance of Regular Exercise

By now, you know that regular exercise is very important to your health, but do you know why it is actually important? Aside from helping you lose weight or toning your muscles, there are more reasons why regular exercise is important. Listed below are some of those reasons to help convince you to start committing to regular exercise:

1. Weight Control

People who want to start working out either want to lose weight or want to gain weight. Believe it or not, regular exercise can also help you gain weight, along with the right diet, of course. But people commonly workout because they want to lose some weight.

This is the most common benefits regular exercise can give you. It can let you control and manage your weight. Exercise helps you burn calories and in return helps you shed a few pounds and helps you develop muscles instead of fats. However, don’t get discouraged thinking that only rigorous workouts can help you do that; even simple workout routines can have a positive impact on your weight loss.

2. Physical Fitness

Not only does regular exercise help you lose weight, it also helps you stay healthy. This is perhaps the most important reason why you should start working out regularly. Since it increases your overall level in fitness, it also helps boost your immune system. This means that you can become more resilient when it comes to illnesses like common colds, fever, etc. Even short-term exercise programs can greatly help you achieve a more healthy and active immune system. Combined with a balanced diet, regular exercise will help you stay fit and healthy even during the flu season.

3. Energy

You needs loads of energy to function on the regular. This is one of benefits regular exercise can help you with; it is capable of boosting your energy. Working out can help oxygen flow more freely throughout the body and in return gives you that burst of energy that you need to finish your daily tasks. And overall, working out will improve your stamina making you more energized and focused for a longer time. Instead of investing in too may cups of coffee a day, try working out in the morning after a complete eight-hour sleep; you will find yourself more ready to face the challenges the day may bring.

4. Mental Health

It has been proven that working out is a natural mood booster. In fact, it is a proven natural way of lowering the risk and effects of depression, ADHD, and anxiety. It releases chemicals into your brain making you happier and more relaxed. As it improves your overall mood, it helps cause your body’s endorphins to kick in. These natural “feel good” neurotransmitters’ effects can be immediately felt after 20 minutes of training. And if working out is done regularly, it can very much improve your mental health over the long term. Aside from all of that, it can also help you sleep better at night, which is important when you want to maintain an overall good mood.

5. Long-term Health

All of the abovementioned benefits of regular exercise are some of its immediate effects. But there is more to that, regular exercise can help you stay away from serious health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. It can help preserve your health for a longer period of time. It can also help lower your blood pressure, lowers the risk of dementia, reduces the risk of arthritis, and so on. Through working out, your “good” cholesterol is increased and decreases your risk of serious medical issues especially heart-related conditions.

There other reasons why working out is important. For example, it helps keeps your bones strong, improve your breathing, improves your sex life, reduces absenteeism, boosts memory, builds intelligence, and so much more. What has been discussed above are just some of the major effects and benefits brought about regular exercise.

90-Day Workout Challenge Example

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90-Day Workout Schedule Plan Example

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Benefits to Switching Out Your Workout Routine

If you have already established your regular workout routine, you may have noticed that you are showing slow progress. Eventually your body will get used to what you have been regularly doing and it will not develop any new changes especially when there is nothing new to do. Sure, regular workout is very beneficial for you, but it’s also important to vary your fitness routine. Here are some of the benefits you can reap when you switch out your workout routine:

1. Break through body plateau

As mentioned earlier, your body can easily get used to the your current workout routine. Doing the same activities for a long period of time will allow your body to adapt to it, and eventually it makes you burn less calories by doing the same exercise over and over again. The only solution to that is to continuously switch up your workout routine. Through this, you will challenge your body to do what it is not used to do. Your body will work harder in order to adjust to the new activity and in return, it will help you burn more calories. This also applies to your diet. You can incorporate new healthy meals along with your new workout routine to ensure higher positive results.

2. Prevent overuse injuries

There is a good reason as to why you experience getting hurt in some particular part of your body over and over again. Repetitive strain injury is a type of injury often occurs from doing lots of repetitive motions like what you normally do in your regular workout routines. By tweaking your normal workout routine and mixing other activities to it, there is a period of rest to those overused muscles, joints, and ligaments. You give them a chance to recover faster by doing other activities that do not involve working them out the most. Mixing things up will allow you to stay in shape and heal at the same time.

3. Build new muscles

If you continue to work on the same muscle group or the same part of your body most of the time, it will be clearly evident in your appearance. Just like how a professional swimmer has developed chiseled arms and shoulders, focusing on the same specific muscles. If you want to improve and tone a little bit of every part of your body, you will have to take on a new approach. Mixing up your workout will allow your body to build new muscles and at the same time help you help you build a stronger heart for endurance. Not only will you look great, you’ll also be physically ready to take on a variety of sports and activities.

4. Overcome workout boredom

As you continue to work on your regular workout routine, you will eventually find yourself literally counting down the minutes left in your routine or dread the sight of the equipment you are about to use. If this constantly happens, this is a big sign for you to try new workout routines. You can keep your workout from becoming stale by trying new activities or incorporating something new to it. You can speed intervals to your runs, try more repetitions, add more obstacles, and so on. Trying new workout styles or routines will make you feel invigorated after every workout session is done. It will also have you feeling motivated to work out every day especially if you have your routines planned out ahead of time.

5. Keep you brain more healthy

In order to keep your brain sharp and help prevent memory loss, regular workout is a natural method. In addition, trying out or developing new skills will help your neurons to function better. With this is mind, trying new activities not only has positive physical on you but also keeps your brain more healthy. However, you need to remember to choose activities that keep you engaged and avoid choosing activities that you can easily autopilot. There is no need to exert too much effort into every workout in order to gain some of its benefits, but regular exercise should be a priority.

6. Meet new workout buddies

By trying out new workout routines, enrolling in different classes, taking a new running path, etc., will allow you to meet new people that you can work out with. Through that, it will be easier for you to stay engaged with exercise and committed to a regular schedule of activity. Aside from that, you can also gain new insights and knowledge that can help you maintain and manage a healthier lifestyle.

7. Get excited about exercise again

If you notice that you have been consistently avoiding going to the gym, it is definitely a strong reason for you to do something new. Although it takes more than just actually trying out something new, it takes a few trial and errors to finally find a workout you enjoy. If you do find the workout you enjoy, you can include or incorporate some of its routine to your regular or you can alternate doing the workout so that you can actually get excited about working out again.

Power 90-Day Workout Plan Example

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Cardio Based 90-Day Workout Plan Example

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Blank 90-Day Workout Plan Example

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90-Day Home Workout Plan Example

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Easy Workouts for Beginners

Starting a workout routine, especially one that you are not quite familiar with, can be intimidating at first. There can be a lot of things to consider and it might even discourage you. However, the benefits of working out can outweigh those negatives. Hence, here are some beginner-friendly workout routines you should definitely try:

At Home

  • Dance – Although dance is just an easy activity, it can still help you burn those unnecessary calories and trim some inches off your waist. It is still another form of exercise that is beneficial for you. You can just put on some music and dance for a good 15–30 minutes.
  • Online Workouts – One way of effectively working out at home is through following online workouts. There are a lot of various workout videos available online that are for free. You can choose the type of workout you are comfortable doing and just simply follow through the given steps.
  • Bodyweight Training – Equipment for this type of workout is not really necessary. You can still do strength training activities in the comforts of your own home. Try doing 5 incline push-ups against a wall, 5 chair squats and 5 walking or stationary lunges and repeat the sequence two to three times.
  • Chair Workout – If you think that an object as ordinary as a chair will not work as your workout equipment, you are mistaken. Using the chair you can do workout routines such as push-ups, lunges, step-ups, etc.
  • Shadowboxing – If you are not that comfortable dancing on your own, try shadowboxing instead. Shadowboxing means that you do boxing moves imagining that you have a sparring partner. It does not need any equipment and it can help you reduce stress at the same time.


  • Aqua Jog – Pool running or aqua jogging is an alternative to walking or normal jogging. You will need a blue belt to keep your upper body afloat, and once you’re in the water, you simply start to run without letting your feet touch the pool. If you don’t have a belt, just walk/run in the water with your feet on the pool floor.
  • Bike – By taking a leisurely stroll on your bike around your area or finding a continuous path, you can keep your body moving with this exercise. Instead of doing stationary biking in the gym, try taking in the view while you burn some calories.
  • Walk – A simple activity such as walking is a good way for you to exercise. You can establish a good workout routine by mixing up your walking activity. Try walking slowly for five minutes, pick up your pace for 20 minutes, then cool down and walk slowly again for 5 minutes.

90-Day Walking Plan Example

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90-Day Gym Workout Plan Example

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We hope that you learned and are convinced to commit yourself to working out since it is very beneficial for your long-term health and mental health. You can use the samples given above as your guide to your workout routines.

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