Business Activity Report

Business Activity Reports

Reporting has come a long way. From the simple slips of paper to the most detailed monthly reports, the business world has made it possible for people from around the globe to know what’s happening on the other side of it. That’s why if you desire to have the same capability without using Skype, then we have Business Activity Report Templates that you can download and use to help you keep your business secured. We also added a simple creation guide should you need one. Check our resources today.

10+Business Activity Report Examples

1. Business Activity Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 197 KB


2. Sample Business Activity Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 264 KB


3. Business Activity Report Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 89 KB


4. Notice of Business Activities Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 101 KB


5. Simple Business Activity Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 85 KB


6. Small Business Activity Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 518 KB


7. Business Activity Report in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


8. Business Activity Pre-Qualification Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 60 KB


9. Monthly Business Activity Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 407 KB


10. Notice of Business Activities Report in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 116 KB


11. Business Activity Report Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 96 KB


What is a Business Activity Report?

A business activity report is a document that a business company uses to indicate how well the business is going. California’s Department of Real Estate (DRE) requires this document as part of their reporting, as well.

What are the stages of business activity?

Business activity is a necessary part of the business. It is essential for a leader to know the stages of business activity to know how it will impact your company in the long run. Listed below are the three stages of production.

  • Primary Activity

In the production business, the primary activity is in the process of extracting the gifts of nature. Things like drilling oil from the ground, cutting trees from the forest, or fishing the fish from the lake.

  • Secondary Activity

The secondary activity involves creating something from the first activity. These could be the process of turning wood into furniture, putting fish in a can to create canned goods and many more.

  • Third Activity

The last and final business activity takes place in sales and retail. These things involve providing the customer with the goods and the services they need. These may come in the form of a store and other methods of distributing goods and services. 

How to Create a Business Activity Report

Now that you learn about the types of activity you can write on your business activity report, you can now start making one. Listed below are the steps you can use in making one.

Step 1: Gather Information

The first step in creating a report is to gather information about the topic. For your business activity report, you should gather employee weekly activity, or your daily business activity report to help you calculate the rise and fall of your business.

Step 2: Analysis

After gathering the necessary information, you can now start analyzing the papers so you can determine the frequency of your business activity. In this way, you can have a cumulation of your information and data. Make sure that you summarize all the data and write them in your report.

Step 3: Pay and Expenses

Another thing that you need to report is the withholdings of your employee, which is part of the payroll. These things include mortgage loans, taxes, and other expenses.

Step 4: Use Company Formats

Every company is different. Although everyone has the same ideas when it comes to professionalism, the application may be different. That’s why to make sure that your boss will accept your report, make sure that you use the formats provided by your company.


What are business-like activities?

Business-like activities are those events that a company does to increase profits, both immediate and delayed rewards. These are important to create relationships with other entities both far and near.

What are the three types of organization?

The three types of organizations exist in the market right now. Listed below are the three types of organizations.
1. Functional Organization
2. Projectized Organization
3. Matrix Organization

What is a business owned by one person?

Sole Proprietor is the term for businesses owned by one person. The owner is the main person responsible for the business and will act as the CEO of the company or business.

In today’s world, you can be anyone. Your peer could be the most successful man in West Virginia and act like just another joe. What could be his secret? Well, it’s easy. He’s managing his company well by making sure he gets updated with all the ins and outs of the business. He might be using Onedrive, SharePoint, and other applications to help him. That’s why if you want to get on the edge over the competition, download our samples and examples today and make your best report yet.

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