Which of the following best defines biodiversity?
The variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem
The number of individuals in a species
The genetic variation within a species
The total biomass of an ecosystem
Bees have been discovered to be very important in maintaining the lifespan and spread of various plants and flowers in a given area. This is because bees are one of the primary causes of the spread of pollen in the ecosystem’s biodiversity.
Biodiversity is the overall number of living organisms in a particular ecosystem or environment, that scientists have documented and observed. Not only that, but biodiversity will also include the various relationships and effects these organisms have among themselves. Global Biodiversity includes all the different species directly observable in our world.
An ecosystem’s biodiversity can affect the amount of food, nutrients, and energy of its surrounding ecosystems. This means that each ecosystem has a biodiversity that can affect other ecosystems near it.
Begin by listing out all the living organisms in the ecosystem on a physical note or note-taking software. This list will include all the microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, plants, trees, fungi, and animals that live inside the ecosystem.
When you have finished the list of all the living organisms in the ecosystem, you will need to categorize them based on their overarching characteristics and species. Doing this will help efficiently create the overall ecology of the ecosystem.
After categorizing the living organisms in the ecosystem, you must create an ecology of the ecosystem. This should include all the food chains, food webs, and relationships of all the organisms in the specified ecosystem.
When you have finished creating the ecology of the ecosystem, you must now note down all the abiotic factors that comprise the ecosystem. This will help illustrate the relationship between living organisms and the abiotic factors in the ecosystem
After completing all the steps above, you can now create a description of the biodiversity and its effect on the ecosystem. Note, you should also include what happens when a specific species of the organism were to be removed from the existing ecosystem.
Biodiversity is the state of a specific ecosystem or habitat that indicates the number of different species or organisms in said ecosystem or habitat. This is important because a healthy ecosystem or habitat requires much biodiversity to survive and prosper. An ecosystem’s biodiversity does not only include the food chain or ecology of the ecosystem, but it also includes the different relationships like commensalism and mutualism and the overall impact of the ecosystem on the state of our world. Biodiversity will also dictate the ecosystem’s overall efficiency in providing oxygen and energy, and the natural maintenance of the ecosystem’s surroundings.
Humans can have a positive or a negative effect on a specific location’s biodiversity. This could come in the form of damaging an ecosystem’s biodiversity by reshaping natural structures to make way for farms and buildings. Not only that but illegal hunting and logging will cause scarcity of a specific species of organisms to die out, which will lower the biodiversity of a specific ecosystem. Humans can also contribute to efforts to increase the biodiversity of a specific ecosystem, which will promote the preservation or lifespan of said ecosystem. Recent efforts in reducing the invasive population of the crown of thorns starfish have helped in the increased number of coral reefs in the ocean. Because of the relationship between fish and coral reefs, humans have indirectly increased the number of fish in the ocean. All of these human efforts increase the biodiversity of specific oceans, which will improve the lifespan of all the organisms on the planet.
Biodiversity conservation is known as the act of protecting and managing a specific ecosystem’s biodiversity. The objective of this action is to not only protect the existing biodiversity in a specific ecosystem, but it will also include the efficient utilization of all the resources available in the ecosystem for sustainable development. People can artificially and naturally conserve a specific ecosystem’s biodiversity. This will include protecting specific ecosystems by implementing policing actions done in the specified exosystem, thereby naturally conserving the biodiversity. Another way to conduct biodiversity conservation is by artificially maintaining and breeding species that are considered endangered in manmade ecosystems and sanctuaries. This is why we should protect the biodiversity of ecosystems.
Biodiversity is a descriptor used to define the number of different species being hosted in a specific ecosystem. This descriptor will be used to determine the immediate effect of the ecosystem on itself, and places around the world.
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Which of the following best defines biodiversity?
The variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem
The number of individuals in a species
The genetic variation within a species
The total biomass of an ecosystem
Which level of biodiversity refers to the diversity within a species?
Ecosystem diversity
Genetic diversity
Species diversity
Community diversity
An ecosystem with high biodiversity is generally:
Less stable
More productive and resilient
More susceptible to diseases
Less productive
Which of the following is a threat to biodiversity?
Habitat destruction
Climate change
All of the above
Endemic species are those that:
Are found worldwide
Are found only in one specific geographic location
Have been introduced to a new habitat
Are migratory
Which of the following is an example of ecosystem diversity?
Different breeds of dogs
Various species of birds
Coral reefs, forests, and grasslands
Genetic variations in a plant species
Biodiversity hotspots are regions that are:
Rich in species diversity but threatened by human activities
Extremely cold
Devoid of life
In the polar regions
The primary cause of species extinction is:
Habitat destruction
Which international agreement aims to conserve biodiversity?
Kyoto Protocol
Montreal Protocol
Paris Agreement
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
Which of the following ecosystems typically has the highest biodiversity?
Tropical rainforest
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